It was a great afternoon out for Saturday’s 3Hr racing – the season finale of the 2016 CORC/Bike Culture 3Hr race series was a bit of a cracker I think!
The trails were perfect (thanks Nathan), the weather was near perfect aside from a warmish start that cooled to spot on riding weather (temp and breeze) and it was all topped off by a free BBQ with plenty of good food for all (thanks Scott).

We started 15 minutes late (that gennie just wouldn’t stay running) but we got there. Season points and results will be notified on FB soon – thanks to the 99 racers who competed – plenty of smiles on dials every time I looked. I’ve got a bunch of cracker photos at my Flickr address:…/126665035…/albums/72157675520529040 and Race results can be found at:

Thanks to the volunteer crew who helped me make today happen: Scott Dore, Lou Rogerson. Ally McGurgan, Craig Scott, Carl Browne, Simon Smith, Graeme and Nic Hall, Nathan Carroll, Fabrice Boone, Hilde Grande and Kirrilie Riddle
Cheers Mike McG