Hi All,
Over the last 6 months the CORC Committee has been looking at ways we can improve what we offer to our Members. We believe CORC’s role is ultimately to enhance the off-road experience for our members in any way we can and we always want to do more. But at the end of the day, CORC is run by volunteers and it’s only through more people adding their support that we can do more.
As a result of our discussions, we believe we a restructure of the way we operate is needed and this is our proposal. This is purely and operation change, not a formal administration change – the committee will remain with all its current objectives, authorities and checks and balances. We believe though that a series of more specific sub committees is needed to:
- better and more easily inform the committee on what Members really need
- provide more simple avenues for members to become involved in minor ways that suit their specific interests and availability
- streamline communication to members can easily see where to head to engage on a particular topic or issue
The attached document outlines our thinking and what these new subcommittee will focus on.
From here we will be looking to redraft our Constitution and reorganise the Committee to focus on our revitalised direction. To enable the 2017 Committee to continue with the awesome programs and work of the last few years, we hope to have the revised Constitution up for comment in time for the AGM.
Brendon Mulloy
Canberra Off-Road Cyclists