CORC Junior Development Program

Introduction. The CORC Development Program group rides are non mandatory rides which give the opportunity for program members to gain further riding experience and consolidate their MTB skills. The rides will occur on most non ‘Skills Coaching’ Tuesdays at different locations around the ACT. Some of these rides will be led by elite MTB athletes to give an insight into their approaches to the sport.

Timings. Group rides will commence with a confirmation roll call at 5:45pm and departure at 6pm. The rides will return to the respective start location by 7pm. There may be a requirement to vary these timings for specific circumstances however any changes will be notified by email.

Format. Where practicable the group rides will consist of at least two riding groups. This will include a group for those who wish to consolidate their skills by sectioning (practicing) certain tracks, obstacles, etc; and a group which will ride at pace for fitness.

Lead and Tail rider responsibilities. The responsibilities of the lead rider are:

  • Plan the route for the skills or fitness ride as appropriate;
  • Brief the group on the intended route, aim and return time of the ride;
  • Lead and or direct the program members through the ride; and
  • Carry a mobile phone with the phone numbers of the other ride lead and tail riders.
  • Note: the fitness group may have two lead riders to allow the group to split to meet the juniors needs.

The responsibilities of the tail rider are:

  • Before the ride – Record the names of the juniors taking part in the ride;
  • Carry a first aid kit*;
  • Follow (tail) the group for the duration of the ride;
  • Carry a mobile phone with the phone numbers of the other lead and tail riders; and
  • Coordinate first aid if required during the ride.

*A Minimum of one first aid kit per Group ride is to be carried

Injury during a group ride. If a member is injured during the group ride the juniors are to inform both the lead and tail riders. The tail rider is to coordinate a first aid response. If movement to a medical facility is required the tail rider will make contact with the respective rider’s emergency contact. In an emergency the lead or tail rider is to call OOO.

CORC Junior responsibilities. CORC juniors attending group rides are to ensure they:

  • arrive at the meeting location, ready to ride not later then 5:45pm or other detailed timing;
  • wear appropriate clothing for the conditions; and
  • carry a water bottle.

Volunteer Roster. Lead and tail riders are volunteers. Below is the current group rider volunteer status. To volunteer please email [email protected].

Juniors roster as at 21 Feb


Can Parents join in on the group rides? Yes. Parents can join in on the group rides however they must be current MTBA members. Parents are to note the aim of the group ride is to facilitate development of the junior riders.

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