CORC attempts to help other small clubs, schools and charities by loaning our equipment when it is not in use. This is something all in the club can feel good about.
The most common equipment loaned is the bike trailers. The trailers have been used by charities such as CareFlight who take a group of keen riders out into the Blue Mountains for their annual fundraiser.
Many schools have borrowed the trailers to help their students participate in mountain biking, including: Caroline Chisholm and Alfred Deakin High School’s outdoor education programs, Lake Ginninderra College’s epic adventures, Canberra Grammar’s school camp, and Canberra Girls Grammar Duke of Edinburgh program. Other schools have used CORC equipment as well, often travelling considerable distances to pick up the equipment. This year, schools from the Southern Highlands and south coast came to Canberra to collect and then return the trailers.

We loan equipment other than the trailers with the Australian Defence Force Cycling Club borrowing the cyclocross equipment as well as the trailers to run their annual biking carnival. For the fourth year running (pun intended) the YMCA Running Club has loaned the CORC timing equipment to run their annual half marathon event. And, Cycling ACT has borrowed the bright yellow crash mats to protect riders during their national road race.
We also like to help other mountain biking clubs and we were able to do this for Tumbarumba who, in the last school holidays, borrowed the trailer to run two shuttle days for their junior riders.
This support of mountain biking and the wider community is made possible by our ownership of the equipment, willingness to share and the generosity of our volunteers to coordinate the loans and maintain the equipment. It is a rewarding part of volunteering.